Seeds of Wisdom in South Sudan

Seeds of Wisdom Benefit Dinner Sunday Evening Oct 8th at 6PM

Seeds of Wisdom Benefit Dinner Sunday Evening Oct 8th at 6PM

Seeds of Wisdom Benefit Dinner  For more event details click here! 

Sunday evening, Oct. 8, 6 PM

Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist School Gym  Tickets are available in the Co Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Parish Center

What can your donation accomplish?

The Seeds of Wisdom board are all volunteers.  We have essentially no expenses here (other than what it takes to put on the benefit dinner and other minor support activities).  Your donation goes directly to support education needs for over 250 children from families currently living in refugee camps in northern Uganda.  You provide education and hope, hope for families who want to get back to their home and their land in South Sudan. These students and teachers are truly committed to learning and are so thankful for this opportunity.

$1000   Funds all the workbooks, paper, books, sitting mats, chalk, pens, pencils – all the supplies needed at each (of the 6) teaching points for one school year

$500     Funds transportation for the education coordinator (George) for one trimester to oversee all students and teachers in 6 teaching points: fuel, insurance, vehicle maintenance

$200     Funds one teacher’s salary for one month (and we have 14 teachers)

$125     Funds our office space and support needs for one month: office rent, internet, phone, supplies

$50        Funds travel, food, lodging for one teacher when they gather with the rest of the SOW teachers for a full week in January before the school year begins to jointly plan the school year